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+852 3702 0064



Lisa Marie Djeng

Senior ESG Investing Professional, CMA CESGA SASB FSA Credential Holder

Lisa Marie Djeng was the Managing Director, Portfolio Manager and ESG Specialist of Keywise Capital Management (Hong Kong) Limited. She has over 20 years of experience in investment management industry. In her current role, she serves as the inhouse ESG specialist responsible for the management of ESG mandates and the integration of ESG into the investment process for multi asset classes of the Asia Pacific region. She used to be a public equities portfolio manager who managed Greater China related mandates for global institutional investors.

Before joining Keywise Capital Management in 2010, she was the Junior Portfolio Manager/Senior Investment Analyst of HindSight Investment Management, a multi-strategy hedge fund. She also served as the Senior Investment Analyst covering Asian equities with Pacific Century Insurance (PCI) Investment Management Limited (currently part of the BNP Paribas Investment Partners). She started her career as an Associate for the ABAS Consumer and Industrial Product Division of PriceWaterhouseCoopers Hong Kong.

Lisa is a European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA). She also holds the Certificate in ESG Investing of CFA Institute United Kingdom. She is also a Certified Management Accountant, a Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) Credential Holder, a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), Responsible Investment Professional Certification (RIPC) Certification holder, an Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP), an EcoDistricts Accredited Professional, a Fitwel Ambassador and a Living Future Accredited Professional (LFA). She is also an Exemplar Certified Lead Auditor of ISO 9001:2015, 14001: 2015 and 45001:2018. She also attained the TRUE Zero Waste Advisor credential awarded by GBCI, ISSP-Sustainability Associate (recently renamed as Sustainability Excellence Associate SEA), Certified Governance, Risk Management and Compliance Professional (GRCP), Certified Green Project Manager (GPM-b) and UK BREEAM Associate Certification. She also completed the GRI Standard training.

Lisa graduated from the Tsinghua-INSEAD Dual Degree Executive MBA programme with Executive MBA Degree from Tsinghua University, China and MBA degree from INSEAD, France. She also holds Master’s Degree in Financial Analysis from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Master’s Degree in Financial Management (Currently Masters in Finance) from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London, United Kingdom. She graduated with Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics from the University of Warwick, United Kingdom.

Lisa serves as the member of HK Institute of Certified Public Accountant (HKICPA) Investigation Panel. She is a member of CFA Institute and an individual member of the SASB Alliance. She serves as the volunteer and contributes to the SASB examination content review.



香港中文大学 社会责任及可持续发展处 传讯及联络组主管

陈先生广泛参与香港大型项目及机构的环境评估、管理及推动可持续发展的工作。陈先生现时是香港中文大学(中大) 社会责任及可持续发展处传讯及联络组主管,负责监督联合国可持续发展解决方案网络香港地区分会 (「SDSN 香港」)中大秘书处的运作。「SDSN 香港」致力鼓励本地及国际科研、管理专才共同促进可持续发展和实践联合国可持续发展目标。




鎗目雅教授是香港城市大学能源及环境学院副教授。 他亦是伦敦大学的荣誉读者,东京大学访问副教授和日本国际协力研究院访问学者。



可持續發展總監, 環保促進會

林偉明先生是環保促進會的可持續發展總監,他通過各種舉措促進和推進企業的可 持續發展,包括培訓、研討會、會員計劃、企業獎項和諮詢服務,以幫助專業人士 和企業實踐可持續發展。

此前,他在中華煤氣從事採購、物流和供應鏈管理工作超過25年,最後主管企業物 料供應部,負責集中管理香港的採購、倉儲和物流運作,並監督中國大陸130多家 合資企業的聯合採購和供應鏈運作。

作為一名經驗豐富的企業培訓師、顧問和演講者,他向各企業和機構提供有關聯合 國可持續發展目標、供應鏈可持續發展和風險管理、循環經濟、商業道德和其他可 持續發展相關主題的教育和培訓、諮詢服務和演講。

多年來,他是香港物資採購與供銷學會的顧問和會員、英國皇家採購與供應學會的 會員(MCIPS)和香港供應管理協會的理事會成員。




黄明伟先生在金融服务领域拥有30多年的经验。 黄明伟目前在香港上市公司商会任职总干事,负责该以上市公司为中心的组织运作,包括与监管机构和证券交易所就与上市规则和法规有关的事宜进行处理 ,为上市公司的董事和高管提供研讨会和专业培训,并促进公司治理。

此前,黄明伟先生在香港联合交易所工作,担任过公司传播和市场开发方面的各种职位,并获得了对股票市场和金融产品的深入了解。 黄明伟离开了交易所,加入了一家投资者关系专家公司,在那里他帮助上市公司制定并实施了投资者关系计划。 在随后的几年中,黄明伟与许多国际公共关系公司合作,继续为香港和内地上市发行人的跨境投资者交流提供法律咨询。 黄明伟在2006年加入商会之前,曾是一家美国公共关系公司的香港董事总经理。



Adella Budianto
Registration and Membership

D: +852 3702 0054

Tony Wong

D: +852 3990 0793

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