
Sabrina Zhang
China Country Director of CDP, Global Environmental Reporting SystemSabrina is the China Country Director of CDP, the Global Environmental Reporting System. Her responsibilities in CDP include: manage the team in greater China region and fund raising for core business; develop high-level partnerships as well as manage and engage with key stakeholders in the loop of green finance, ESG investment, climate change and energy, sustainable development as well as sustainable agriculture and green procurement. Sabrina joined CDP from MSCI where she responsible all ESG customized products, including ESG Index, ESG rating and screening products, etc. Prior to this, Sabrina worked for government affiliated think tank and international organization in both Beijing and Washington DC .Sabrina has rich experience in the area of Climate change, green finance and sustainable investment. Sabrina is a lecture at Cambridge sustainable leadership program. Industry mentor at Shanghai Jiao tong University. Experts at Caixin ESG 30 forum. She holds law degree from both China and United States.

Leonie Kelly-Farley
Director, Head of ESG and Impact Advisory, Ogier Hong KongLeonie Kelly leads Ogier Global's ESG and Impact advisory services to private equity firms, asset managers, institutional investors, family offices, foundations and corporates working to integrate ESG factors into operations and investment processes, and to navigate ESG policy and regulation. As a respected voice in the industry with more than 12 years' experience as an expert in sustainable finance, Leonie is well placed to assist clients across the broad spectrum of ESG and impact solutions.
Leonie has considerable experience as an expert in sustainable finance and has lived and worked in Ireland, UK and Hong Kong.
She is an advisor to Sustainable Finance Initiative Asia, a member of the Securities & Futures Commission Climate Change Expert Group, and a mentor at Resolve Foundation Hong Kong.
She has been a panel member at various ESG and sustainable finance forums including BNP Paribas Sustainable Future Forum, Social Enterprise Summit HK, Green Bonds Asia, Private Wealth Asia Forum and is an active author of ESG market insights.
Prior to joining Ogier, Leonie was a Partner at Sustainable Finance Initiative Asia focused on building an investor platform to promote the growth of sustainable finance in Asia and mobilise private capital for positive impact. Leonie was also previously Head of Impact Innovation & Investment at the Zoological Society of London where she led the development of the world's first Rhino Impact Bond. At Deloitte LLP she principally worked across sustainability and impact advisory projects for financial institutions, corporates, charities and social enterprise.
Leonie is a Fellow of the Finance Innovation Lab of London, and holds a MSc in Environment & Development from The London School of Economics & Political Science, and a BA in Economics and Geography from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Robert Gale
DIRECTOR OF NEXT LEVEL SUSTAINABILITY, GRI CERTIFIED TRAINING PARTNER IN AUSTRALIADr. Robert Gale is Director of Next Level Sustainability and a Certified Training Partner with the Global Reporting Initiative in Australia. He is a Member of the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). Robert has taught sustainability reporting in MBA and MA/MSc degree programs in Canada and Australia for over 20 years. In addition, he has applied his background in environmental science, sustainability economics, and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) risk assessment to research and policy analysis with governments and think tanks in Canada and Australia. His research interests include OECD/EU green economy, circular economy and non-financial reporting initiatives; the socio-economic impacts of climate breakdown; linking sustainability reporting to sustainability strategy; and linking ecosystem health to socio-economic wellbeing.

Wander Meijer
Director, GlobeScan Hong KongWander is a director with 25+ years business and management consultancy experience in Europe, Asia Pacific and Latin America. He started his Asian career at TNS in 1998, a global research firm, as Managing Director for Hong Kong and then also for China, the Philippines and Singapore, and he was CEO for Latin America from 2007-2011.
Since 2015, Wander is Director Asia Pacific for GlobeScan, a global research consultancy, which measures, understands and helps building valuable relationships between organizations and their stakeholders, to work on delivering a sustainable and equitable future. Most of the work is conducted in Asia, specifically China.
Next to his corporate career, Wander is a business advisor and impact investor. He invested in and advises social enterprises in Africa and Asia, examples being Musoni Kenya (micro finance), WakaWaka Light (solar power) and EcoMatcher, a digital platform connecting corporations and causes.
Wander has a master’s degree Development Geography and Development Economics and has as main interest Big History and the development of humankind: ‘Why are some countries rich and others poor?’ – especially, what we can do about it!
Wander Meijer:
Email: wander.meijer@globescan.com
Tel: +852 97239092

Agnes K Y Tai
SENIOR PARTNER, YAOZHI ASSET MANAGEMENT INTERNATIONAL, CO. LTDAgnes is Senior Partner and Responsible Officer of Yaozhi Asset Management International, a Director and Senior Advisor of single family offices, a speaker, trainer and writer on sustainability & ESG for HKIoD, GARP and various professional organizations, an expert panel member of the MTR sustainability report, an ESG-expert juror for Benchmark Funds of the Year Awards, and board/committee member of NGOs, foundations and industry associations.
In her 40 years of serving the financial community in China, Hong Kong, USA and Australia, she has established asset management, risk management and consulting businesses. Her private direct investment interest in renewable energy, clean tech and healthcare began in 2010, and has refocused in Greater China listed equities in recent years.
She was Director of Great Glory Strategies Limited (GGS), Senior Project Advisor of Booz & Co. in Greater China, CRO-designate of Shanghai AJ Trust Co., Founding Director of Peregrine Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited, Head of Risk Management of Westpac Banking Corporation, and held senior positions in Citicorp, Bank of America and Mingly Corporation. She was Chief Executive Officer of Habitat for Humanity Hong Kong Limited and Executive Director of Bai Xian Asia Institute.
Agnes has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and has authored two books and a Harvard Business case.

Dr. Yarime Masaru
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, DIVISION OF PUBLIC POLICY, HKUSTProfessor Masaru YARIME is Associate Professor at the Division of Public Policy (PPOL) in the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). He also has appointments as Honorary Reader in University College London, Visiting Associate Professor in the University of Tokyo, and Visiting Scholar at Japan International Cooperation Agency Research Institute.

Kate Hodson
Partner and Head of ESG Funds, Ogier Hong KongKate Hodson is a partner in Ogier’s investment funds practice in Hong Kong and Head of ESG Funds. She specialises in the formation and structuring of investment funds, advising on ongoing fund operation (including regulatory compliance) and LP advisory services, as well as downstream corporate advisory work. Kate's experience covers a broad range of strategies and industries, including impact funds and sustainable investment funds, hedge funds, real estate, credit funds, venture capital and infrastructure funds. She has been named one of Asia's Top 40 Lawyers Under 40 by Asia Legal Business in both 2016 and 2019 and has been advising clients in Asia for over 10 years. Having recently completed her Masters in Energy and Environmental Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, she launched Ogier's Sustainable Investing and Impact Funds practice, the first of its kind amongst the offshore law firms. Kate is a member of Ogier's internal environmental working group, a member of the leadership group for Ogier's D&I initiative and also a director of WWF HK and a member of its finance committee.

Verna Lin
Head of Greater China Regional Hub, GRIMs Verna Lin, Head of Greater China Regional Hub, GRI is an experienced sustainability and investment management professional. Her knowledge and exposure in capital market equips her to interpret ESG disclosure from investors’ perspective. GRI helps businesses and governments worldwide understand and communicate their impact on critical sustainability issues. Verna, representing GRI, seeks continuing collaborations with policy makers in Greater China Region to further advance global sustainability agenda. Verna is a CFA charter-holder.

Johnson Kong
RESEARCHER, OUR HONG KONG FOUNDATIONMr. Johnson Kong is a policy researcher of Our Hong Kong Foundation with expertise in sustainable finance and social impact assessment. He has published multiple research reports and papers that inform the strategic developments of ESG reporting and investing, social impact bond, and social innovation in Hong Kong. Dedicated to the impact sector, he is serving as an adviser for the CUHK Alumni Charity Foundation and a board member of the Hong Kong Impact Data Consortium Chain.
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