
HERA 主辦單位

HERA 有限公司
+852 3702 0064

Alaya Consulting宣布Greeners Action將成為HERA 2019的受益者

Alaya Consulting宣布Greeners Action將成為HERA 2019的受益者

Alaya Consulting, the organiser of the 2019 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA), is pleased to announce that Greeners Action will continue to be the beneficiary. This year, all entry submission fee will be donated to Greeners Action, a registered charity organization in Hong Kong promoting environmental protection.

HERA recognizes outstanding companies in Hong Kong who have made positive impact on the aspects of ESG. The winners of HERA generally become benchmarks for other companies and are viewed as epitomes of sustainable business practices. HERA 2018 Grand Award Winners include The Airport Authority, AAC Technologies, Bank of East Asia, Cathay Pacific Catering, COSCO Shipping, etc.

We have added one new category and fine-tuned the judging criteria.  If you would like to learn more, please pre-register for an information session to be held on 30 May 2019 by sending an email to hera@alayaconsulting.com.hk. We have invited 2018 Grand Award Winners to share their best practice.

Nevertheless, information about the commencement of entry submission will be announced later this month. Please stay tuned!

2019年香港ESG報告獎(HERA)的組織者Alaya Consulting很高興地宣布Greeners Action將繼續成為受益者。今年,所有參賽作品提交費將捐贈給香港註冊的慈善機構Greeners Action,以促進環境保護。

HERA表彰在ESG方面產生積極影響的香港傑出公司。 HERA的贏家通常會成為其他公司的基準,並被視為可持續商業實踐的縮影。 2018年HERA大獎得主包括機場管理局,瑞聲科技,東亞銀行,國泰航空餐飲,中遠海運等。




Vivian Ng

D: + 852 3702 0140

Tony Wong

D: +852 3990 0793

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